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For over 20 years Mike has been running Furniture and Cabinetmaking, Basic Woodworking and Picture Framing Courses in North Devon.


He has over 40 years' experience as a wood craftsman and can provide you with all the following courses:


Furniture & Cabinet Making


Basic Woodworking


Picture Framing


With a maximum of only 2-3 students, courses are tailored to your requirements. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced craftsman, is unimportant, you will receive individual tuition. In running these courses, Mike aims to share knowledge, skills, experience and a sense of fulfilment that working with wood can inspire as well as offering a route towards a possible source of income, or full time career. Mike is a CTP Preferred Supplier.


For more information, contact Mike Watts Fine Woodworking Courses : 01271813994


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