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Tutor Mike Watts
I'm a degree qualified and experienced teacher, and have earned my living as a woodworking craftsman since joining the R.A.F as a boy entrant in the nineteen sixties.
During my service career a wide range of valuable skills were developed; cabinet making, joinery, picture framing, wood machining, coach building and aircraft repairs were just some of the tasks which I undertook as a workshop based carpenter.
Following 4 years of study for a Cert. Ed. and a B.Ed. Honours degree, specializing in Craft, Design and Technology, thirteen years were spent teaching woodwork and design in a large comprehensive school in Devon. I left teaching, disillusioned by the pressure to move away from workshop skills.
During the remaining period I have been involved with my Cabinetmaking business and the development of tailored Fine Woodworking Courses.
My main area of interest within the woodworking disciplines has always been Cabinetmaking. I display craftmanship in traditional furniture making, antique reproduction and in use of modern designer/maker techniques. My interest in Picture framing has developed to a professional level providing a compatible side line to my Cabinetmaking business.
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